Student loans have been a hot-button issue for quite some time. While almost everyone agrees that total student loan debt poses a significant financial threat to our economy, reform has…
The Advantages of Condos and Townhomes for First-Time Homebuyers
When it comes to homeownership, the traditional image of a single-family detached residence can be out of reach for many first-time homebuyers in today’s market. However, that shouldn’t deter you…
Introducing the One+ Mortgage Loan: A 1% Down Loan Option With No Mortgage Insurance!
Overview With home affordability being top of mind for prospective home buyers, the One+ loan program allows clients to come out of pocket with very minimal upfront costs. The One+…
Introducing The Community Mortgage Loan: No Tax Returns, No Problem!
*Please Note: This loan has currently been exhausted and is suspended until further notice.* Overview Most traditional mortgage loans follow a strict set of standard guidelines which often require rigid…
What Can I Use to Qualify?
When qualifying for a mortgage many people only think about using the income from their job but what if I told you there are other options? Fortunately, there are a…